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Proverbs of a 40 yr old man

Guilt is a heavy burden to carry. So many people are carrying things that Christ wants to give them rest from. Out of false piety or shame, guilt becomes a ball and chain we live with to ease the pain of our sin and suffering. Still others are stubborn and refuse to turn from their sin, they are storing up terrible punishment for themselves. For a day of anger is coming, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. God will not be mocked. So many people silence there conscious and they no longer feel shame. They live in open rebellion thinking they can sustain themselves from the ever growing guilt and shame they are suppressing. The wicked cannot hide from there thoughts and emotions. Jesus once said if anyone causes one of these little ones, those who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. What sorrow awaits the world, because it tempts people to sin. Temptations are inevitable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting. Guilt is a heavy burden to carry and only Jesus was strong enough to bear the sins of the world on a Cross. From the greatest to the least, guilt has destroyed lives. God will not be mocked by evil deeds. Guilt will take you out if you don't deal with it. You may feel pride in your rebellion like standing on mountain, but the valley of death comes to all and no human has conquered the grave but Jesus. He is our only living hope and many have chosen the abyss of guilt instead. As Christians we have this awesome grace to go before throne of heaven in prayer and find forgiveness for our sins in Jesus. The LORD is wanting to restore you like He did for Peter after He denied Christ three times. He encouraged Peter to go strengthen his brothers after he repented and turned again to him. But also there are many like Judas Iscariot the son of perdition. When Judas realized that Jesus had been condemned to die, he was filled with remorse. So he took the thirty pieces of silver back to the leading priests and the elders. He said, "I have sinned,” he declared, “for I have betrayed an innocent man.” “What do we care?” They retorted. “That’s your problem.” Then Judas threw the silver coins down in the Temple and went out and hanged himself. I plead with you with tears, that guilt, that shame is like a millstone tied around your neck. The sorrow of the world and pain of sin will take you down deep into despair like the depths of the ocean. Jesus wants you above waters as we learn to live by faith in him daily. Take off that milestone and put on the yoke of Christ. His burden is so light that you can walk on waters of grace and truth. Today if you hear the voice of the Savior calling you to repent and to deal with your guilt. Do not harden your heart against his voice and sink in despair. A new heart of flesh can stay afloat and rise above the winds and the waves of sins destruction.

I should stop here but I can't, its like a fire in my bones! For those who can read on further think about this: There was a trespass offering or guilt offering described in Leviticus 5:14-19, 7:1-7, 14:12-18. The trespass/guilt offering was required when a person unintentionally violated some of the Lord’s holy things. “Holy things” would normally refer to things that had been dedicated to the Lord—anything from the sanctuary itself to the portion of the offerings that were normally reserved for the priests. How this could happen inadvertently is not spelled out, but perhaps a person forgot to fulfill a vow, made some mistake in the fulfilling of it, accidently ate food that was reserved for the priests, or mistakenly ate a firstborn animal from his own flock. In these cases the offender had to bring a sacrificial animal (an unblemished ram or male lamb) to offer and also compensate the priests an extra 20 percent for what they had been deprived. (The priests and Levites were the recipients of many of the offerings that were offered to the Lord—this was the provision that the Lord made for their support as they had no land of their own.) The offender could also bring, instead of an animal, the price of the animal in silver. When a person with a very sensitive (perhaps oversensitive) conscience thought that he might have sinned against holy property, he could bring the trespass/guilt offering “just in case,” but in that situation no restitution was made to the priests. The trespass offering was also brought when a person had committed a violation against another person. In this case the offender had to repay damages plus 20 percent in addition to making the animal sacrifice. In a trespass offering, the ram or male lamb was slaughtered; the blood was splashed on the altar, and some of the blood was applied to the right ear lobe, right thumb, and right big toe of the one making the offering. Then oil was applied to the same places, and the head of the one making the offering was anointed. Most of the sacrificial animal was burned; however, the priests were able to eat some portions while they were in the sanctuary. The trespass or guilt offering is primarily about making reparations. It demonstrates the seriousness of violations against God (even accidental ones) and against one’s fellow man. An atoning sacrifice has to be made before God, and restitution has to be made to man. The trespass offering was a bloody demonstration of atonement and reconciliation, but it was also a demonstration of grace as provision was made for reparations for the wrongdoing. This Old Testament sacrifice was not the final solution. It pointed to the ultimate sacrifice of Christ by which sinners can be restored to fellowship with God and with each other.

Study Hebrews 9:15

Source for guilt offering info:


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