Proverbs of a 41 yr. old man
Choices we make. Wise choices bring good consequences while foolish and wicked choices bring bad consequences. This is why we need to be in the word of God and in fellowship with believers to learn wisdom from folly. The choices that individuals make affect society as a whole. Learn a lesson today, look around you and see the outcome of people's actions. Resist the influence of society to pull you in the direction of foolish and wicked behavior. Ponder the influence your choices have on your children and others. Don't lead others astray with worldly rhetoric and reason. You base your whole heart and life on the teachings of Jesus Christ our LORD. And realize we need to glorify God in everything that we do. There are choices we face the world has a totally different response to. To be a Christian is many times counterculture. The choice we make must reflect Gods heart and character. It's not easy to be a Christian and make righteous judgment. The world coddles sin and approves of it. As Christians we speak truth in love and make choices to serve God rather than peoples opinion. Oh the choices we must make.
Study Col. 3:17