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Oh To Be Wise-Meditations

Issaac knew there was no lamb for sacrifice He was the sacrifice. He carried the wood up the mountain. He help build the altar and allowed His Father to bind him. He did not run away but allowed His Father to offer him up like so many of the other tribes of the world we're doing at the time. Jesus knew it was time for His Sacrifice and was led like a lamb to the slaughter. He did not speak a word. He carried the wood to the altar where His Life was given as a random for many. Issaac was spared from death because of the faith of his father. Jesus was not spared from death but still had faith in His Father that He would rise from the dead. And He did. He could have called ten thousand angels to destroy the world and set Him free. But He died alone, for you and for me. Yes death is howling all around us but do not fear we are not alone. Our Faith in Jesus will help us Passover eternal death in the arms of our Heavenly Father. Abba says to you look and the ram caught in the thicket. You are safe from death enter eternal life in Christ.

Meditate Hebrews 11:17-19 

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