Oh To Wise Meditations
Lord, you gave your perfect life for me. And in exchange I give you my broken life. This life I have is full of past failures and regrets. I have done so many foolish things that I am not proud of. Things I am ashamed of and reluctant to share with others to save me of embarassment. Yet you ask me to offer my life to you and to please you only. To not be shaped by the spirit and culture of this world but be transformed by Holy Spirit. This is the spiritual way for me to worship you! More than just my hands and feet, my voice and musical instrument. My life in all its brokenness you still want me to use as a form of worship to you. Renewing my mind from the past and focusing on my present relationship with you Jesus. You have a plan destined for me if only I would follow your direction and not mine or worlds. Having the mind of Christ I will be able to decide what God wants for me. I will be able to know what is good and pleasing to God and what is perfect. Jesus, let my body be an instrument of righteousness in your hands. May it build your Kingdom and be something you are proud of. I so want to bring glory to your name, an aroma that stirs your heart in joy.