Friday morning zoom battle prayer 1/24/25
Friday morning zoom battle prayer is on! Let’s do this! New week, new topic with new themes. Come join with brothers in Christ and let’s grow together in the knowledge of Jesus. The LORD is raising up men that understand the times they are living in and want to pursue stronger relationship with God and each other.
This new week we are starting a new series.
Overall Topic and Themes: Righteousness. Become the Righteousness of God 2 Cor. 5:21
(Scroll down for zoom link)
The prayers Jesus prayed give us insight into His nature, His heart, and His mission on earth. The prayers of Jesus also inform and encourage us in our own prayer lives. Far more important than where He prayed, when He prayed, and in what position He prayed is the fact that He prayed. The theme of His prayers is instructive for all of us.
Prayer was an integral part of Jesus’ time on earth, and He prayed regularly: “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” (Luke 5:16). If the Son incarnate found it necessary to commune with the Father frequently, how much more do we need to do so? Jesus faced persecution, trials, heartache, and physical suffering. Without regular and continual access to the throne of God, He would surely have found those events unbearable. In the same way, Christians must never neglect to “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).
What is often called “The Lord’s Prayer” is actually a teaching tool of Christ as part of His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:9–13). In this model prayer, Jesus teaches us to approach God as “our Father”; to hallow God’s name; to pray for God’s will; and to ask for daily provision, forgiveness, and spiritual protection.
Through examining the prayer life of Jesus, we gain invaluable insight into having a deeper relationship with God. Jesus modeled for us the importance of solitude, perseverance, submission to God’s will, thanksgiving, and intercession in prayer.
Word Study Series: Jesus Prayed. Renewing your mind through prayer. Examine the different types of prayer Jesus engaged in, what we can learn from the Lord’s Prayer, the high priestly prayer, and prayers in the garden of Gethsemane. By exploring the prayer life of Christ, we can gain wisdom and insight on how to strengthen our relationship with God through prayer.
1. Solitude 2. Time 3. Gods Will
Friday morning zoom battle prayer link:
5:00am-6:00am. Come and go as you can. See you in the morning. Link is also available on the ministry website
Battle music link for the morning:
Remember battle prayer notes, and video recording are available on ministry forum after zoom session:
Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund:
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