Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Love your neighbor as yourself. How can I show love to my neighbor if I don't even love myself? This is something I am constantly working out in my own journey. There are so many issues that I have with myself how can I in turn love others who maybe have those same issues? I really have had to take a step back and look at what Jesus has said about me on the Cross. Meaning he died for me while I was yet a sinner. That's crazy to me because He was banking on me to have a heart change. Looking over my life and all the mistakes I have done I am not worthy of such a awesome gift Christ has provided. But neither is anyone else who accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior. God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love – not that we loved God, but that he loved us. In order for me to even begin to love myself and others I must understand how to love. God does that in Christ. His Agape Love is totally different from the world and from our own cultures and viewpoints. It is a total rewriting and recircuiting of the heart and mind in order to love the way God does and the way he wants us to love each other. We cannot rely on own wisdom or worlds understanding on what love is. God is the ultimate source for knowing what love is. Starting from that perspective we can start loving ourselves and others. I have learned through the many years of growing my faith that I need to give more grace to my self and to others. And I feel the deepest love of all that we must grow in is when we do something to one of the least of these we actually do it unto the Lord. This is amazingly complex and is definitely another study into Gods word. But part of learning to love yourself and others is knowing Gods love covers a multitude of sins. The blood of Jesus covers all sin, and is lifeblood of the body of Christ. We when love we are trusting in the love of God to pour out and manifest in the most harshest of places and people. God is so confident in the power of his love that he died while we all were yet sinners. That's too deep to understand but so wonderful to live from. We just be like our Lord, forgiving others even when they are against us. That's just a taste of Gods love found in Christ.
Meditate Mark 12:31
