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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

The LORD is faithful. He is the faithful one. If we are not faithful, he will still be faithful. Christ cannot deny who he is. He strengthens us and guards us from the evil one. Yes, he delivers us from the evil one! We often place all the pressure of faith upon our fragile shoulders. Trusting in our own flesh and efforts. But there are things we are not able to carry on your own. We do carry our cross daily and that only by the grace and mercy of God working in our lives. But always remember protection and strength is from the LORD. Apart from him we can do nothing. Let us not try to bear things alone trying to be super spiritual. It is very hard to show weakness and have people doubt us. We must rely in God ways and not our ways or the worlds ways. Say today: O LORD, you are my God. I will highly honor you; I will praise your name. You have done miraculous things. You have been completely reliable in carrying out your plans from long ago. Amen. Take heart and put your trust in the LORD. His yoke is easy bear and the burden he gives is light. Jesus will do what he says. If he was faithful to the Cross he will be faithful unto eternal life.

Meditate 1 Peter 5:10


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