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Proverbs of a 38 yr old man

Why are others relationship with Christ growing and yours not? While you were sleeping in this world they were praying in the Spirit. While you were with idle hands they were disciplining their body to Holiness before God. Early in the morning at the Shepherds gate they wait for spiritual food while others are still eating from last weeks meal. Many have been believers so long now that they ought to be teaching others. Instead, they need someone to teach them again the basic things about God’s word. They are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. There shackles of sin have become loose as they grow in the knowledge of Jesus continuing in total worship and devotion. But their are those who can’t even lift there eyes to heaven because it’s been awhile since they said hello or even surrendered their lives to Christ. There are chained to this world and sin is keeping them down. Their worries and cares have bolted their hearts to sin and death. Not able to pursue the freedom that Christ Jesus has freely given them. Living like a slave instead of a son or daughter. We need to be growing in our relationship with Jesus daily. This is not a contest of who will be at the right and left hand of Jesus. This is a matter of blessings and cursing's. To live in righteousness or to die slowly but surely in sin. Get your faith up and get it together. You have everything you need for life and godliness. This is not a condemnation but an exhortation to move you towards faith and not doubt. The grip of pride keeps us from growing in trust and allegiance to Jesus. Look! The enemy of our souls has so many by the throat of their desires. And it is with their own hands, they cannot blame the devil. Free yourself one finger at a time, get back to full relationship with God in Christ! Who may climb the LORD's hill or stand in his holy temple? Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies. They will receive the LORD’s blessing and have a right relationship with God their savior.

Study Heb. 6:1


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