Proverbs of a 39 yr old man
Come back. Before something worse happens to you! See, you are well again. Come back and be made whole. Come back and find fellowship and love in the Body of Christ. If you have been delivered come back and show thanks by being discipled and made whole. If you have been delivered of very little then little gratitude is needed. But if you have been forgiven and delivered of much then much gratitude is needed. Let others see the fruit of your salvation and praise their Father in Heaven! It’s not enough to just know Jesus as Savior! Come back and know Him as LORD! Many of us have been given a second chance and to make better choices. If we returned to our sinful behavior, we would have wasted the opportunity that Jesus gives us to live a whole and forgiven life. When Jesus says go and sin no more he is not speaking of sinless perfection. He warns against a return to sinful lifestyle choices. His words both extended mercy and demanded holiness. Jesus always gave the perfect balance of grace and truth. With forgiveness comes the expectation that we will not continue in the same path of rebelliousness. Those who know God’s love will naturally want to obey Him and follow Him. So come back to his presence, his body, his bride, and show gratitude according to how much the LORD has done for you. If He has done much say this: All my words fall short, I got nothing new, How could I express all my gratitude? I've got one response, I've got just one move. With my arms stretched wide, I will worship You! I throw up my hands and praise You again and again. Because all that I have is a hallelujah. And I know it's not much, but I've nothing else fit for a King. Except for a heart singing hallelujah, hallelujah. I have come back LORD, and I am staying to bloom in your presence.
Study Luke 17:15