Proverbs of a 40 yr old man
If only there were a mediator between us, someone who could bring us together. There is one close to us whom Job desired. Job cried out for a judge. He knows that God is completely fair. He knows that man’s need is very great. He wants someone to listen to both sides. He wants someone to judge both God and himself. Job cried out. ‘There is no judge between us.' The wonderful thing is that we have a Judge like this! For, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. Paul wrote about this many centuries ago. He declared: ‘There is a Judge like this. He is the Man who suffered and who overcame. This Man is Jesus Christ. We are never without a Helper. Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:16-17 The first time I was brought before the judge, no one came with me. Everyone abandoned me. May it not be counted against them. But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength so that I might preach the Good News in its entirety for all the Gentiles to hear. And he rescued me from certain death. Oh, that my words could be recorded. Oh, that they could be inscribed on a monument, carved with an iron chisel and filled with lead, engraved forever in the rock. But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last. And after my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought!
Meditate Is. 1:18