Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Panic Button. Was at a gas station recently and while waiting to pay for some items. I heard a car alarm going off. And it kept going off. No one could figure out in the gas station whose car it was and tensions started to increase. Tempers started to flare as the sound began to aggravate. Then this little old lady who I let ahead of me went outside and realized it was her car. She was mortified and she went to the car to turn it off she was not able to. She was so lost and confused as she fumbled her keys in embarrassment. The sound kept echoing as people walked by and showed there annoyance. As I came out of the gas station store I noticed all this and felt compassion for her. Reminded me of my grandma how I would do anything to help her. I turned away from walking to my car and went walking towards her in a smile. With a humble look on her face she said she didn’t know how to turn off the alarm. Can you help me? In that moment the peace of God entered that space and calmed the situation. On her key was a button called the panic button. As I lovingly grabbed the keys from her hand and pressed the panic button, the sound suddenly stopped. She was so relieved, especially those around us. I got so many thank you’s from random people and smiles, almost felt like Superman as I tucked my cap back in my car. Made me think. God calls you and me to stop the panic button. And allow his peace to calm the wind and rains. To be peace makers when somehow the panic button has been pressed and reason and common sense are in danger of being lost. Jesus makes peace even with his enemies by his blood. How much more should we make peace every where we go with love and truth as our banner. It’s our calling as peace makers to turn off the panic button.
Meditate 5:9