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Victory in Christ

Good morning Brothers. Happy Thursday. Thank God for another day to seek his grace and forgiveness. God loves you. I love you. God is good all the time! And all the time God is Good! Let’s sing, Sound the battle cry, See! the foe is nigh; Raise the standard high For the Lord; Gird your armor on, Stand firm, every one, Rest your cause upon His holy word. Rouse, then, soldiers! rally round the banner! Ready, steady, pass the word along; Onward, forward, shout aloud hosanna! Christ is Captain of the mighty throng. Today’s verse is from 1 Corinthians 15:58. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. So what is the work of the Lord? It is continuing to share the hope and love of Jesus with other people. It is loving God and loving others. All of us have areas of ministry, whether in our homes, neighborhoods, or workplaces. And because Jesus is victorious, we should be confident in pursuing the work God has given us. There is nothing that can take away God's love. Nothing can remove us from His plan of salvation. So let's be extravagant in how we love others in our life. Let's not be ashamed to share His good news with other people. God loves you. Have a blessed day.


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