Weds morning zoom battle prayer link 2/14/24
Weds morning zoom battle prayer is on! Let’s do this! New week, new theme with new topics. Come join with brothers in Christ and let’s grow together in the knowledge of Jesus. The LORD is raising up men that understand the times they are living in and want to pursue stronger relationship with God and each other.
This new week we are continuing our series.
Overall Theme: Read Through Scripture Series: The Book of Colossians
Paul had never been to Colossae, but he’d heard from a good friend that the church in that city was blossoming in faith and love. They’d been rooted in Christ—but young churches had been misled before. Paul desperately wants to encourage the church and head off any persuasive arguments from false teachers, so he writes them a letter.
The brief book of Colossians is all about who we are in Christ. In the first two chapters, Paul teaches the Colossians who they are in Christ; in the last two chapters, he instructs them on how to walk in Christ. Paul emphasizes the mind throughout the book—the better the Colossians know what they believe, the harder it will be for someone to persuade them otherwise.
This letter is still a profound, encouraging word to us today for several reasons:
If we know who we are in Christ, we’ll have a much better idea of what to believe and how to behave.
Topics: 1. Greetings. Paul thanks God. Paul prays for the Christians. 2. Christ is most important. 3. The work that Paul does for the Church.
Weds morning zoom battle prayer link:
5:00am-6:00am. Come and go as you can. See you in the morning. Link is also available on the ministry website
Battle music link for the morning:
Remember battle prayer notes and video recording are available on ministry forum after zoom session:
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