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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Faith works. I will accomplish more through faith than through my works. That is a mouthful but the more I depend on God the more my works become easier for me. I make things so much harder for myself when I ditch faith and willfully do what I want. If I give myself time to pray about it usually things fall into the right places. Its like spiritual accounting. If I debit one thing it will credit the other. What I do in the moment matters what happens later. LORD, I am so quick to overreact and make things harder on myself. Why make a mess out of something to have to clean up afterwards. A steady faith and sweet confidence in God will transform my life. So you see, we are shown to be right with God by what we do, not by faith alone. You fool! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. Jesus, help my works to be out of an abundance of faith in you. And not from my pride and self righteousness. Faith works in mysterious ways. I know if I die to myself my works will be pure.

Meditate James 2:20

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