Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Spoke with a brother in Christ this morning about the prosperity Gospel. We want our inheritance now; we want the promises of God now. like the prodigal son gives us our portion now so we can live a prosperous life. And it is ours to claim but only in Gods will and time. We are not rich spoiled children of God that treat him like a genie. The prosperity Gospel if you let will steer you far from grace and into a life of pride and destruction. I think of the words of that great theologian Kurt Franklin in a song he wrote: the first thing to prosper should be inside of me. Listen to John here in 1 John 1:2 Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit. That is the true wealth that we need to be filled with continually and in abundance. God will add to you everything you need as you first seek first the Kingdom. In closing I love the thought of pursuing the prosperity of the Gospel. There is blessing and honor and riches that comes with it. Do not lose that heart for that. Just remember it's not about the money or the things you can accumulate in this world. Just be careful not to present a Gospel different from Scripture. Our highest and best example is Jesus who lived a humble life while in this world. He had everything he need for his ministry and purpose. He received riches and glory and honor when he was raised to the right hand of the Father. Same with the ancestors of our faith who died waiting for the promise of eternal life. Real prosperity is more than earthly gain and want. It's to be content with Jesus and nothing else. Keep claiming the promises of God as I will too. In this new year remember Jesus over everything. And be careful not to make everything more important than that poverty of spirit you need daily Jesus to fill.
Meditate Col. 3:1